I drive past this creep house from time to time and had to stop by while packing the full frame Sony A7r and Canon EF 17-40 f/4 L Lens plus Metabones III lens adapter.
The house is actually for sale if anybody is interested. It is a nightmare project that probably involves asbestos, ghosts, and who knows what else 😉 Usually Layla is in the car and I can’t really stop, but the other day happened to work out perfect.
I took it slow at first, then quickly barreled through the snow back into what looked to be a snow covered driveway. I really didn’t want to get stuck and who knows if a ditch was under that snow bank! I then quickly mounted my really high quality Canon EF 17-40mm f/4 L lens to the Sony A7r via the Metabones III lens adapter and headed towards the creepy house.
On a full frame sensor equipped camera, like the A7r, 17mm is extremely wide! I had to get right up on the house in order to fill the frame. Literally about 6-8 feet away at 17mm. On the APS-C sensor Nex-6 I would have to be much further back even with the 16mm pancake lens mounted. If I was using the 10-18mm f/4 OSS lens on the Nex-6 I would be able to get really close like I can with the 17-40mm on the full frame camera. That is one of the big differences with full frame vs APS-C 1.6x crop factor cameras.
The Camera, Lens, and Adapter
This set-up is not exactly cheap with the Metabones III adapter going for $399 US and the 17-40mm lens costs $839 US for a total of $1239 US with no optical steady shot included. It’s still not too bad when you consider how much Sony charges for the A-mount 16-35mm Ziess lens ($1998 US); although it’s f/2.8 which is a big difference if you need that speed. Sigma also makes a lens I would consider buying before the Sony or the Canon. It’s the Sigma 12-24mm and it goes for $949 US as it stands today. The other option for the A7r is of course the ultra wide angle E-mount 10-18mm f/4 OSS lens. It actually works all the way to 16mm on the full frame sensor and is high quality with OSS.
Sony A7r with the Metabones III and Canon EF 17-40mm f/4 L Lens:
The Creepy House
Had to go with BW for the opening frame; just look at this house. I edited this A7r raw file using Lightroom 5 and Silver Efex Pro 2.
Also, be sure to click on the photos for the much larger view!
100% Crop:

Another view from much closer and in color. I used Lightroom 5 and Color Efex Pro 4 on these next two images to enhance the contrast and color a bit.
3/4 creep view
Straight on view and this is actually the side of the house with the front being to the right from this angle.
Getting to the minimum focus distance of the 17-40mm lens on the full frame A7r can produce something like this which is a lot of fun! I only used Lightroom 5 on this next image to show you that the Nik software is not required to get a good result. I added some contrast, clarity, vibrancy, a high contrast tone curve, recovered the highlights a bit and used the hue saturation panel to jack up the blue. I also did the lens profile corrections and added some sharpening, but no vignette this time for a change.
First the OOC (Off The Camera) raw file so you can see what exactly you get:
Also, be sure to click on the photos for the much larger view!

100% Crop of focus area:

Here is what the house looks like from the front side.
First the OOC Raw file:
Fully edited with Lightroom 5 and the Nik Software.
100% Crop:
Also, be sure to click on the photos for the much larger view!

Closing Remarks
As you can see from these photos the Sony A7r is capable of capturing insane detail, and the Canon 17-40mm f/4 L lens works awesome with the Metabones III lens adapter I’m very happy to report! Not having another wide-angle option for the full frame A7r, the 17-40mm lens is a killer option in my opinion. Especially if you already have one laying around like I do.
The creepy house is located below on the google map if you’re in the area and want to check it out for yourself.
Thanks again for checking in and enjoy the big game later today if your watching it! I’m not into football so will be watching UFC 169 instead, Oh yeah 😉
Sony A7r for $2298 @ BHPhotovideo | Amazon