I managed to get a few sample photos with the Rokinon 85mm f/1.4 Asperical lens using my Nex-6 and the LA-EA1 lens adapter. I have a bunch more sample photos coming in the full review, but I did want to give you guys glance at what this high quality yet, super affordable lens can do!! Remember, it’s only ~$269 US @ BHPhoto Video >>
I went down to visit Blue Angles plane that is in the local park and managed to grab a few snap-shots using the 85mm f/1.4 lens. I also stopped by a nearby town that has some pretty cool architecture which is perfect lens distortion, and sharpness testing.
The 85mm Rokinon lens is incredible sharp just like the 35mm lens from what I can tell so far, and the bokeh is buttery and very pleasing to the eye in my opinion. One thing I did notice right away with the 85mm lens, was the focus ring is noticeable tighter than the buttery smooth on the 35mm f/1.4 UMC lens I’m also currently testing. A few sample pics from the 35mm Rokinon can be found (Click Here)
Nex-6, Rokinon 85mm f/1.4 Lens, LA-EA1 Lens Adapter
Click the Photos for the High Res 100oPX versions!!
Rokinon 85mm f/1.4 Aspherical Lens – Sample Photos
Here’s a few sample photos using the Rokinon 85mm f/1.4 Aspherical Lens using my Nex-6, the LA-EA1 Lens adapter, and in RAW quality mode!! I did some very minor development using Lightroom 4 on these raw files including: medium contrast on the tone curve, and a mild vignette on a few as these are not “test” shots, but more sample snapshots.
In this first photo I was pretty far from the large rock, although it may seem otherwise with no scale reference. I added a mild vignette to pull the eye in a bit more towards the stone as the white water is very bright in comparison and pulls the eye out of the frame 😉
Click the Photos for the High Res 100oPX versions!!
Just an angle of text from my favorite Blue Angles plane, to show the fall-off of sharpness as the depth of field creeps away.
A much different perspective at a more modest f/4 aperture.
A pretty nice scene I stumbled upon making a u-turn today. Somebody put a lot of effort into this I thought, and I took a few more photos from this area for the full review. I went for the bird house as the focal point, to show how quickly the depth of filed falls off with a relatively close background to subject distance. In this particular composition, the bird house was ~20 feet from the building and I was ~10-15 feet from the bird house for visual reference. Going off memory mind you 😉
This next scene is more of a test shot style composition, but I really like it as a standard photo as well for some reason. In any event, I may go back for all the sharpness testing photos, as it’s perfect for the real www.aviatoroyna.info world testing I like to do 🙂 I also included a 100% Crop of the center area so you can see just how sharp this lens is at f/4 handheld.
Closing remarks
That is it for now, but please stay tuned for the Rokinon 14mm f/2.8 sample photos I will hopefully getup tomorrow. After that, it’s full reviews for all three lenses, so get ready if your curious how these lenses perform on the Nex-6 in the Real world!!
Have a great night everybody, and thanks again for all the great questions and comments lately!!