I sent back the Sony RX10 although I really wanted to purchase it believe me! Now it’s time for the other full frame beast, better known as the Sony Alpha A7r. To test this animal I will using the native FE Sonnar T* FE 55mm f/1.8 ZA Lens, and my Canon EF L lenses via the Metabones III lens adapter. I also have an old school Minolta 50mm f/1.4 Rokkor-X lens I’ll certainly try at some point. Studio photography will also be tested one way or another, but hopefully with some willing participants. Lab testing will also be done, but modifications will be made to the lab this time. I’m still not exactly sure what yet, but I have ideas.
The Sony HVL-F20M External Flash is also coming and I look forward to finally testing it. The Sony A7 and A7r have no built in flash, so this is a perfect opportunity to see the real world power of this compact unit. Plus I have several requests to try this flash out as well.
A Closer Look – Sony A7r
$2298 US, Full Frame, 36mp, no anti aliasing filter, Gapless On-Chip Lens Design with angle priority in corners, stronger chassis assembly then A7, no electronic 1st curtain shutter, and a few other things..
Sonnar T* FE 55mm f/1.8 ZA Lens – SEL55f18z
Sony HVL-F20M Flash
Sony A7 VS A7r?
I wrote and article on comparing the A7 vs the A7r a while back (click Here), but it’s been a while, tons of reviews have been published, and my thoughts have changed a bit on this issue. Each camera has it’s strengths and weakness’s, so lets go over them quickly:
Sony A7
Sony A7r
Standard Chassis
Heavy Duty Chassis
24mp Hybrid sensor
36mp, gap-less micro lens
Anti Aliasing filter
No Anti Aliasing filter
Pixel density
Lower Pixel density
Higher Pixel density
Electronic w/ first curtain shut off
Supposedly louder and no 1st curtain option
DXOMark Sensor Score – Sony A7 VS A7r
As you can see by the DXOMark sensor scores below, the higher resolution clearly gives an advantage in pretty much all areas. Can’t wait to see how it works on the real world 😉
Closing Remarks:
That is about it for now, but stay tuned for more very soon! The new gear should arrive today hopefully 😉 Also, can somebody try and comment please? I’m curios if it works now. Thanks in advance for the efforts… Jay
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