In this review I will cover the Leica D-Lux (Type 109) camera. This camera really caught my interest because I always wanted to try a Leica and the hands-on fun factor design really appeals to me. I also wanted to see how this camera compares to similarly priced Sony cameras like the RX100 VA which I recently reviewed here, for example.
The Leica D-Lux (Type 109) is basically a Panasonic LX100 with a slightly different finish and image processing engine. So the colors are going to render a bit differently, and the edge in that regard goes to the Leica I would say. I also recently reviewed the very similar, but updated Panasonic LX100 II which you can check out here >>
The Leica D-Lux style camera is perfect for hands-on mechanically minded users that just want to keep things old school most of the time. You can enable features easily, but the manual lens and dials really make the user experience crazy fun and hands on. With the implementation of the A button, you can easily switch to full auto mode at any time no matter how the camera is set-up, which is a great feature when you don’t want to dial things in manually.. I will also say this camera is more designed for experienced users based on the manual control oriented camera body design.
Key Features:
- 12.8MP 4/3″ MOS Sensor
- 3.1x Zoom, f/1.7-2.8 Leica Lens
- 24-75mm (35mm Equivalent)
- 2,764k-Dot Electronic Viewfinder
- 3.0″ 920k-Dot LCD Monitor
- UHD 4K Video at 30p, Full HD at 60p
- Built-In Wi-Fi Connectivity with NFC
- USB and HDMI Ports
- ISO 25600
- Up to 40 fps Shooting without AF
- Optical Image Stabilization
- Flash Hot Shoe
- Lens Filter Thread = 43mm
- CF D Flash Included
- Weight = 12.87 oz / 364.86 g without battery
- Retail Cost = $1095 US
Leica D-Lux (Type 109) Camera Body Photo

Leica D-Lux (Type 109) Review – Video Version
In this Leica D-Lux Review I will go over everything you need to know and compare the camera to the Sony RX100 VA using real world testing and common sense logic… I hope you like the review and please let me know what you think below in the comments area!!
Thanks for watching,
Leica D-Lux (Type 109) – Beginners Guide
Leica D-Lux (Type 109) – Sample Photos
Be sure to click on the photos for a larger version!
Lab Testing – Minimum Focus Distance
In this quick test I wanted to show you just how close you can get to your subject with this camera which really makes it awesome for close-up photography and getting the extra background separation from your subject.

Lab Testing – Zoom Range Test

Lab Testing – ISO Testing

Real World
I took a lot of real world photos for your to check out, so be sure to click them for a better high res view.

The Leica D-Lux is great hands-on style camera for users that really enjoy taking full control of the creative process. Overall build quality is excellent and I had an absolute blast using this camera. I really enjoy turing the lens aperture and shutter speed dial to get exactly the effect I am after, and this style camera makes it a pleasure. Image quality and video quality are very good. The Leica lens is fantastic overall and extremely sharp in the real world. The separation that can be achieved with the fairly large 4/3rds sensor and f/1.7 lens is really awesome as you can see in the sample photos. The lens does have some distortion on the wider end, but it’s not to bad. The lens flare is pretty dramatic, but I actually like the effect so that is subjective I would say. Battery life is pretty good, but not the greatest when compared to a pro DSLR for example. The Leica is a bit overpriced in my opinion, because you can get the Panasonic LX100 for about half the price, and it’s basically the same thing minus the Leica logo. The colors do render a little different, but not enough to justify the price difference in my opinion.
That is about it for my Leica S-Lux (Type 109) Review, but please let me know what you think in the comments area below and if you have any questions by all means ask away 🙂
Have a great day, and I’ll catch up with you later, Jay