I just got back from Disney World down in Florida from a week long family vacation and I brought along the Nex-6 and a few E-Mount lenses to capture the experience. I ended up using the SEL1855 kit lens and the sel55210 telephoto zoom lens for everything else as I was always on the move. The light weight of the Nex-6 and either e-mount lens made the burden of carrying a camera around the parks totally reasonable in my opinion.
Seeing many people carrying their heavy camera gear around, I could not help smile at what I was packing knowing the image quality was just as good as any crop factor dslr on the market. I did see a few full frame pro cameras here and there, and they really looked like a heavy burden for sure. Trying to wrestle with kids, strollers, mass crowds, and lines, I would not want to be carrying my heavy large form factor Pro Gear around for a second.
For the Magic Kingdom and Epcot I used the 18-55mm kit lens and it did the job well in my opinion. I did not want to carry anything also into the park, so I put a large 16gig memory card in and an extra battery in my pocket. It worked out perfect as the battery died after about 3/4 of the time at the park.
For the Animal Kingdom I ended up purchasing the 55-210mm lens as I really wanted it, and this trip justified the purchase in my mind. If your a regular reader you may remember me saying I wanted this lens for my personal collection many times, but just couldn’t afford it. Happy day, I finally own the sel55210
Sony Nex-6 – Disney Vacation Photos
Just so you know, I shot exclusively in raw quality for all these photos and did some enhancements in Adobe Lightroom 4. If you want to see how I enhance the Sony Nex-6 raw files using Lightroom 4, be sure to check out the Lightroom Tutorials Categories Here >> I also used Aperture Priority mode, Auto ISO, Auto WB, Area Focus, and average metering 95% of the time. I did use exposure comp a few times and shutter priority mode for a few high speed shots you will see in another article soon.
The Magic Kingdom
This first photo was taken day one at Disney’s Magic Kingdom in the parking lot. Layla was cautiously excited
Be sure to click on these photos for the larger versions!!
We actually got there kinda late, so we ended up in the Villain’s parking lot, filed under Hook 82-87.
These next two portrait style captures, are my Dad, fallowed by my wife Michele, taken on the tram ride towards the monorail train. Note the subject separation from the background/ depth of field, and large dynamic range captured in each scene.
The Monorail is a pretty cool human transport system that Disney uses in a few parks. It basically straddles the track and uses high voltage electric to propel itself.
The Magic Kingdom’s famous Castle and the hoards of people that come with such a view at this late morning hour of the day.
An old fire truck filled with waving ladies drove by us as we were walking.
This next scene is a well planned out composition and I had to grab a snap.
Here is another scene with some awesome architecture, detail, color, and dynamic range.
Layla is starting to get a bit sleepy at this point.
Belle from Beauty and the Beast gave Layla a second wind though.
As did this delicious strawberry ice pop we shared
Layla was also fortunate enough to visit with Arial from the Little Mermaid. Here is my girl and I waiting on line for the magical mermaid.
Layla with Arial under horrible lighting conditions I must say. White balance was extremely far off, but thanks to shooting raw I was able to adjust it in Lightroom so the skin www.slotoyunlari.org tones were closer to what it actually looked like. Layla was clearly amazed at the live flipper!
And on the way out we saw this great tribute statue of Gaston.
When it comes down to it, all I really wanted to capture at Disney were the moments that made me smile. Layla smiling and looking at things in amazement was pretty much my favorite thing to see, so I got a lot of those type of shots. The Nex-6 and the 18-55mm lens made this task really easy non burdensome in my opinion.
As it so happens, here is another of Layla checking out some floats that were going by down the road.
That was about it for the Magic Kingdom till we went back in the evening for the Nighttime shows.
Some Night Shots
We went back at night to check out some of the night shows and I grabbed a few shots hand-held here and there. This scene was awaiting the light parade. I recorded it on video, so stayed tuned for that when i actually get time to edit it
The Castle kept changing colors and basically turned into a TV screen at one point. Amazing to see and the Nex-6 did an excellent job capturing it in my opinion. No tri-pod, all hand held.
And lastly for the Magic Kingdom series, Layla taking it all in with here killer lolly pop on Papa’s shoulders
Closing remarks
Thanks for checking out my Disney Magic kingdom Vacation photos using the Sony Nex-6 and 18-55mm kit lens. As you can see from these real world photos, the Nex-6 and basic kit lens is a very capable camera for this type of photography, and I’m extremely happy with the results captured. As I said earlier, it was all about capturing those moments for me this time. I was not interested in testing anything gear, all I wanted to do was enjoy the moments live and try and capture a few here and there.
I have a ton more photos to share from Epcot, the Animal Kingdom, Seaworld, and more! So, stay tuned if you would like to see what else I captured on vacation, and what the Sony Nex-6 can do in the real world.
Please feel free to ask questions if you have any as always, and I should have more photos up soon for you to check out.