Well I got the goods a few days ago and I’ve been shooting like crazy with the fisheye conversion lens (VCL-ECF1)!! I have a bunch of sample photos to share with you guys and I think you will be quite impressed with this $110 dollar add-on conversion lens.
My first impression of the fisheye conversion lens is it’s very good and on par with the 16mm E-Mount lens It’s not Carl Zeiss quality optics by any means, but for the money it has very good performance all around from what I can see so far. I still have to do the “Lab” test shots so we can see the critical corner detail and stuff, but these sample photos will show you what this lens convertor can do in the real world.
First off, here is what she looks like mounted on the Nex-C3 and mounted to the Gorrilapod. In case your curious, I shot this photo using the Nex-5n and my Canon 135mm f/2 L Lens. I used the Fotodiox Lens adapter to get my Canon EF lens to fit on the Sony E-mount Camera.
Some Sample Photos:
I shot most of these sample photos using the Raw format, but I had to use Jpeg for the AutoHDR shots.
This first sample photo is a really cool retired Blue Angels plane just down the road from where I live. It makes for a great subject and has super high contrast as well. I focused about a foot down the nose and it’s clearly visible how much sharper f/8 is compared to f/2.8.
Be sure to Click the Photos for the 100% View!!

These next two shots are AutoHDR’s of my friend quad using the 6ev setting on the Nex-5n. The quad is a Bombardier 650 something or other if your wondering as I’ve never seen one before. My Brother and I ride Yamaha’s.
This next snapshot on the deck is of my Brothers new puppy Sandy. She is a really cute rescue dog that has a heart of gold!! Chubs and Layla in the background and my hand on the left as I was holding the camera in my right hand.
Here’s a few more snapshots from the deck using the Fisheye conversion lens on the 16mm E-mount lens and the Nex-5n.
In this next shot I had the Tri-pod set up on the kitchen table and was pointing towards the living room. The lens does a pretty good job all around considering the cost!
A few more random shots from around the house.
Closing Remarks
That’s about it for the (VCL-ECF1) Fisheye Conversion lens sample pics, but stay tuned for the 18mm Wide Angle conversion lens sample pics I’m currently working on taking!! Also, feel free to ask questions or give requests for photos samples, video, whatever…
Have a good day,