There has been some serious speculation on the web about the Fotodiox Pro Lens Mount Adapter with Built-in Aperture iris. Does the aperture actual work? How can it work if it’s not actually in the lens? Does the depth of field actually change?
I will answer all these questions and more in the video below! Basically what I did was set-up a little test in the Lab using a 4 foot level and some woods screws creating a nice somewhat measurable depth of field. Well, at least visually measurable 😉
This test was done using the Sony Nex-7 and the Canon EF 135mm f/2 L Lens and the Fotodiox Pro Lens Mount Adapter with Built-in Aperture iris for Canon EF to Nex (E-Mount):
Check out this cool adapter up close and be sure to CLICK the Photos!
Here’s a few shots of the Sony Nex-7 with some Canon EF Lenses Mounted. Keep in mind that adapters are available for almost every lens/ camera manufacture!! More adapters and info over here Sony E-Mount Lens Guide >>