Hello Sony A7r II fans and in this article you will see the detail captured with the Canon EF 17-40mm f/4 L Lens using various methods of photography. I went for some long exposure’s, Celestial Photography, HDR photography, and some random snapshots that are worth checking out I think. Please feel free to comment and ask questions as always if you have them…
I also got a request to show my HDR editing process for the waterfall photos in particular. I will cover that briefly in this article, but I will do a comprehensive video style tutorial on that subject including the new Lightroom CC interface and how it relates to developing Sony raw files in particular. Or perhaps I will just do a quick A7R II HDR Tutorial video instead to save a lot of time.. Not sure just yet, but stay tuned for that along with the Full A7r II review of course 😉
So moving on to some Sony A7r II sample photos, let’s start with some HDR Photography that I thought came out pretty awesome:
Sony A7r II – HDR Sample Photos

Click on Photos for the high resolution view plus live exif date via Flickr
These first three frames were taken using the Auto HDR feature set to 4ev mode…
These next HDR frames were taken in Raw quality using the 1EV spread with total of 5 shots feature. I then used Photomatix Pro or HDR Efex Pro to process the HDR Composite and then finished up in Lightroom CC and/or photoshop CC.
I’m not 100% happy with the blue sky on this next frame after looking at the photo a bit more. The blue is not a natural color and I should have tweaked it a bit in Lightroom, but did not. In hindsight just to let you know, I should have pulled out some of the green from the sky to get rid of that Aqua hue it clearly has… Really not a big deal but I thought it was worth mentioning to those notice the hue being off.
I really like how this photo from the Basha Kill came out though. Super dramatic skies really made this scene much better than normal in my opinion.
How About Some Stars?

So, I decided to try my hand at some celestial photography for the first time the other day, and not only was it fun, but sort of easier than expected also 😉 I used to long of an exposure arguable considering the movement of the earth, but overall the results are not to shabby for the slower f/4 lens in my opinion.
Closing Remarks
I really hope you guys enjoyed seeing a few HDR and some celestial photography sample photos with the new Sony A7r II. Please feel free to comment below or ask questions as always…
Thanks again for checking in and have a great weekend everybody,